I am currently available for commissioned pet portraits and other projects.

Pricing is subject to change but will be agreed upon at the time artwork is commissioned.

Contact me for pricing and size options.


How it works:

Contact me (art@eliseondak.com) with one (or more preferably) photographs you’d like me to work from. When choosing a photo, stick with ones taken WITHOUT a flash. They just don’t work very well as a reference for a painted portrait. If the only photograph you have of the subject is with a flash, we can discuss other stylized options.

Choose a photo. I will help you decide which of your pictures will translate best into a painted portrait. If more than one will work, you can choose one of these as the main image for the subject. Other images may be utilized for background or color reference.

Signing the contract. After choosing a photo, we will commit to the project by signing a contract containing the details and terms of the commission. At this time, a 50% non-refundable deposit is made for me to begin work on your painting. Click here to view a sample contract.

Planning. We will discuss any further changes to be made to the photos and determine what you want to have in your painting. I will take notes and do preliminary sketches.

Finalizing the design. I will create a digital composition based on any decided changes and send a copy of it to you for approval.

Starting work on the painting itself. I begin painting and will send you progress photos as I go, if requested. Oil over acrylic paintings will be in their black and white stage. These early stages are the last time any major changes can occur. (ex – you or I decide that tree in the background has to go).

Adding color (For oil over acrylic only). After the black and white underpainting is complete, I then begin the color glazes. The only changes that can be made during this stage are brightness/contrast and color.

Final approval and final adjustments. After finishing glazing (oil over acrylic) and tweaks (stylized acrylic), I will send a (watermarked) high resolution photograph of the final piece for your examination, or you may arrange to see the piece in person at my studio. When the painting is approved by you, the remaining 50% of the balance is due and then I will apply the final varnish. When the varnish is dry, shipping/transportation arrangements will be made. You will be responsible for shipping/transportation costs. You may also arrange to pick up the painting in person.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The time it takes me to complete your commission will depend on the size and level of detail involved. I will give you a time quote based on the decided digital composition. Your wait time also depends on the number of commissions or projects I’m working on ahead of yours. I will inform you if there is a waiting list and how long it is when you contact me.
  • Shipping art can be expensive. Careful and thorough packaging is required to prevent damage during transit, and I will choose the level of shipping that will best protect your piece.
  • Paintings go through ugly stages, especially during the initial layers of color. Don’t be shocked if some of the progress photos are rough.
  • Deposits are non-refundable, period. They cover my time and material investment into a project and help keep everyone committed through completion.
  • Smaller paintings typically will not be as chock-full of detail as a larger painting. If you have an elaborate background, I may recommend stepping up to a larger size so that the final product falls in line with your vision.
  • I recommend doing bust only portraits on the smallest canvas sizes.